Full Stack Master Program

Full Stack Web Development Program makes you informed inabilities to work with back-end and front-end internet technologies. It consists of coaching on Web Development, jQuery, PHP, LARAVEL, Javascript, and Sql . The curriculum has been determined by way of good sized lookup on 500+ job descriptions throughout the globe.

  • Training from Industry Level Project Coders
  • Accredited Training Certification
  • Average Starting Package: 7-8 LPA
  • Top Hiring Partners

Batch Schedule for Full Stack Masters Program

Azsm Enterprizes provides flexible timings to all our students. Here are the Full Stack Masters Program Shedule for our branch. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know. We will try to arrange appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.

Mon (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fee
Thu (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fee
Sat (Sat - Sun)Weekend Batch 11:00 AM (IST) (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session Get Fee

Why I Should Enroll for Full Stack Master Program?

Full Stack Developer Masters Program has been curated after thorough lookup and pointers from industry experts. It will help you differentiate yourself with multi-platform fluency, and have real-world experience with the most necessary equipment and platforms. AZSM will be via your side for the duration of the studying ride – We’re Ridiculously Committed.

  • Front End HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5
  • Language & Script JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, PHP
  • Backend Framework Laravel
  • Database MySql, MS SQL Server
  • Offered Fee Rs. 35,000/-
  • Discount Offered Fee Rs. 30,000/-
  • Amount To Pay (+GST) Rs. 30,000/-

Full Stack Development Course Curriculum

Curriculum Designed by Experts

  • This software follows a set structure with 6 core courses and four electives spread throughout 21 weeks. It makes you a specialist in key technologies associated with Full Stack Web Development. At the end of each core course, you will be working on a real-time venture to obtain palms-on expertise. By the quiet of the program, you will be ready for seasoned Full Stack Web Development job roles.


  • Start as Pro

    • step 1
      Front-End Developer

      HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Bootsrap, JavaScript

    • step 2
      Back-end Language

      PHP, Laravel

    • step 3

      MySql & Ms SQL Server

    • step 4

      Manual Testing

    • step 5
      cloud Computing

      Git & AWS

    Certified & Get the job in Full Stak Development

  • HTML Fundamentals

    • Basic Tags
    • New Tags in HTML5
    • Local Storage
    • Index DB
    • CSS3 Fundamentals
    • CSS3 New Properties
    • CSS3 Animation
    • CSS3 Tooltips

    CSS Framework

    • Bootstrap

    Java Script & Jquery


    • What is JavaScript? Complete Introduction with Hello World

    JavaScript Concepts and Basics

    Statements, JS Syntax , Comments ,Variables ,Operators, Arithmetic , Assignment, Data Types, Functions, Objects, Events, Strings, String Methods , Numbers ,Number Methods , Arrays, Array Methods ,Array Sort ,Array Iteration ,Dates ,Date Formats,Date Get Methods ,Date Set Methods ,Math ,Random, Booleans ,Comparisons ,Conditions ,Switch ,Loop For ,Loop While ,Break ,Type Conversion , Bitwise , RegExp , Errors, Scope , Hoisting ,Strict Mode ,this keyword ,Let , Const ,Debugging ,Style.

    • Variable Naming Rules and JavaScript Data Types(With Example)
    • Expressions and Operators
    • Flow Control
    • Defining Functions and Methods
    • Constructors and Inheritance
    • Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
    • Managing Web Page Styles using JavaScript and CSS
    • Handling Web Page Events

    JS Forms

    • How to Script Forms
    • Forms API

    JS Objects

    • Definitions
    • Properties
    • Methods
    • Accessors
    • Constructors
    • Prototypes

    JS Functions

    • Definitions
    • Parameters
    • Invocation
    • Call
    • Apply
    • Closures


    • Intro
    • Methods
    • Document
    • Elements
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Animations
    • Events
    • Event Listener
    • Navigation
    • Nodes
    • Collections
    • Node Lists

    JS Browser BOM

    • Window
    • Screen
    • Location
    • History
    • Navigator
    • Popup Alert
    • Timing
    • Cookies


    • Intro
    • Syntax
    • Json vs XML
    • Data Types
    • Parse
    • Stringify
    • Objects
    • Arrays
    • PHP
    • HTML
    • JSONP

    JS vs jQuery

    • jQuery Selectors
    • jQuery HTML
    • jQuery CSS
    • jQuery DOM


    • Introduction
    • XMLHttp
    • Request
    • Response
    • XML File
    • PHP
    • ASP
    • Database
    • Applications
    • Examples

    Build a real time chat application in Node js using Express, Mongoose and Socket.io. Building one more real time application using Node js.

    PHP Essential

    • Basic Syntax
    • Control Structures
    • Functions
    • Arrays
    • Strings
    • Forms and User Input
    • File Handling
    • Database Connectivity
    • Error Handling
    • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • Sessions and Cookies
    • Security
    • API Integration
    • Frameworks
    • Content Management Systems (CMS)
    • Web Security
    • Performance Optimization
    • Version Control
    • Web Services
    • Testing and Debugging
    • Deployment and Hosting


    • Routing
    • Controllers
    • Views
    • Blade Templates
    • Eloquent ORM
    • Database Migrations
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Middleware
    • Validation
    • Eloquent Relationships
    • CRUD Operations
    • Laravel Mix (Asset Compilation)
    • API Development
    • Laravel Sanctum (API Authentication)
    • Laravel Passport (OAuth2 Implementation)
    • Task Scheduling
    • Queue System
    • Caching
    • Localization and Internationalization
    • Testing in Laravel
    • Laravel Horizon (Dashboard for Queue Management)
    • Laravel Nova (Admin Panel)
    • Laravel Spark (SaaS Application Development)
    • Laravel Dusk (Browser Testing)
    • Laravel Echo (Real-Time WebSockets)


    MySql Essential

    • Introduction to Mysql Database
    • Basic CRUD Operations
    • Connecting to Mysql using Nodejs.

    Exploring Data Types & Functions

    • Objects
    • Strings
    • Numbers
    • Auto Casting
    • Prototype
    • Function
    • Self-Invocation Functions
    • Array
    • Booleans
    • Un defined
    • null
    • Functions
    • Buffer
    • Module
    • Module Types
    • Core Modules
    • Local Modules
    • Module Exports

    Control Structures: Logical Expressions

    • If statements
    • Else and else if statements
    • Logical operators
    • Switch statements

    Control Structures: Loops

    • For loops
    • For each loops
    • Continue
    • Break

    File System

    • Read File
    • Writing a File
    • Writing a file asynchronously
    • Opening a file
    • Deleting a file
    • Other IO Operations

    User-Defined Functions

    • Defining functions
    • Function arguments
    • Returning values from a function
    • Multiple return values
    • Scope and global variables


    • EventEmitter class
    • Returning event emitter
    • Inhering events


    • Developers console
    • Warnings and errors
    • Debugging and troubleshooting
    • HTML compilation and Angular Compilation
    • Compilation phase

    Database connectivity

    • Connection string
    • Configuring
    • Working with select command
    • Updating records
    • Deleting records